Thursday, November 6, 2008

First Word?

mamamamamama - First word, yes or no? Preston would say no but I think I have a pretty good argument. When she is hungry, she says mamama, I feed her... therefore she says mama and I respond. She knows I am mama! What a cool feeling to be a mom. It has been over 8 months now and it is still hard to comprehend that I, me, tena pettis... I am someones Mom!. Well not just someones mom, I am Preslynn's Mom... and what a cute little Preslynn she is.

I am not even sure that God has come up with words to describe how truly awesome little kids are. It's the little things that make your heart melt. Like when she makes noises with her mouth by using her fingers. She will even do it as she falls asleep, the hand is barely moving and the sound is hardly coming out, but she is still fighting the sleepiness. Or, when she crawls up the stairs as fast as she can (which is not very fast, but it sure is darn cute).

Our little bug has started her first swim lessons. She is the oldest in her class, the littlest and of course the most advanced. (okay, so I am a little biased) She LOVED everything about her first day, it was so cute! She loved the water, all the other babies, splashing, kicking... she is a pro. It is fun to see her interact with the other kids, since she does not go to daycare she is so intrigued with people her size!

The only thing she has seen smaller than her that moves is her Frank and now her new little friend Peyton Chambers. We visited Sam, Tyler and Peyton (puppies too!) on Wednesday. She is two weeks old and what you would call a peanut! Preslynn was all about her. She wanted her to get out of her swing and play! She tried talking, screaming, pulling off her blankets and even trying to grab at her... nothing worked. So she resorted to playing with the puppies and their toys... this did not go over too well. Maybe next time Peyton will play with you Preslynn ;)

Besides swimming, crawling stairs and visiting friends, we have pretty much just been living. At the end of this month Preslynn (weather permitting) is going to run a 5k with her me. Okay so I am guessing she will not be running by then but atleast riding in her stroller :) Other than all that, during the day Preslynn hangs out with either her Auntie Heather or her new friend/nanny Hanna. We love and appreciate all they do! They both come over to the house and take care of her from about 11 when papa goes to work until 5 when mama gets home. Starting in January mom will be home full time! I have the priveldge of taking 2 months off of work to spend time with my little girl. (thanks honey!) It will be time to just be mom and daughter for a little bit, and hopefully relax!

Our fall did not turn out as uneventful as I would have hoped. On Oct. 10th my uncle and God father, Robb Reed, passed away suddenly after being hit by a deer while on a four-wheeler. I am not sure I will ever understand why Robb was taken from us, but I am happy to have known him, been related to him and to have shared memories with him. Robb, you will never be forgotten and will always be missed. Love you.

Goodbye for now... More Preslynn updates to come :)

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